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Manage your health and diet with QoolSystem

Obesity in South Korea has been statistically proven to be the lowest in 2017, but that can be due to unrealistic beauty standards the country forces people to uphold. Rather than reforming to healthier lifestyles, people choose to eat less in hopes that they could substitute diet with exercise. This mentality can severely damage one’s overall health and lower their life expectancy. QoolSystem, a company based in South Korea dedicated to reviving the general population’s health, aims to raise people’s life expectancy to 100 years. The biggest threat to this idea is obesity, or an increase in body fat.


QoolSystem has released a wide variety of products that will not only help reduce body fat, but also restore our health to maximum capacity. “G Health” is an app-based portable body fat meter; it is equivalent to an ultra-compact, lightweight smartphone because it utilizes Bluetooth to record fitness results. The device itself reveals the user’s specialized body composition diagnosis and a BIA measurement. In addition to the G Health, there is the G Health Card and it is primarily used by trainers who want to purchase health care packages. The “G Health Sona” is a portable key meter that measures activity using ultrasound. This device is more suitable for children, and adults can use the Sona to monitor their physical activity and promote a healthier lifestyle starting from a young age.

QoolSystem’s core ideals include manufacturing medical technology such as their wearable smartphone devices. They also plan on marketing to a diverse range of people from all demographics, mainly to people who are interested in starting a healthy lifestyle that involves both diet and exercise. The company’s ultimate goal is to diagnose the issue with the user’s health, analyze the overall logistics, and offer a solution. They believe that this can be executed through their wearable medical devices. QoolSystem emphasizes the importance of resorting to healthier methods to lose weight and lower body fat percentage. Many people rely heavily on crash diets or starvation to achieve their target weight, but ultimately, that is a temporary solution to a long-existing problem. If people were to change their mentality on the overarching idea of health, perhaps people can achieve the look they desire without risking their health in the process.


▲  QoolSystem Co., Ltd
▲   Brand Name: G-Health, Sona
▲   CEO: Jin Ho Kim
▲   E-mail:
▲   T: +82- 02-762-8977

Julie Kim
K-Herald Korea
(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)

Published in Mar.19th 2018


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